Keeping Kids Happy (and busy) at Your Wedding or Social Event

While many couples hope to host a “kid-free wedding”, sometimes getting the guests you want to attend your wedding means also having to inviting their kids. Kids are sweet, fun, and can often add a magical feeling to the day that adults just can’t duplicate. On the other hand, kids can be picky, overly energetic and completely out of their minds.

If you plan on having a group our young kids attend your wedding, here are 5 ways to keep them happy, busy and under-control:

Keep Them Busy During The Ceremony with Low Tech Fun

The best way to keep kids happy and avoid tantrums is to keep them busy. A long drawn-out wedding ceremony can be difficult for many adults to sit through. Kids, who already have short enough attention spans, may not understand the meaning and importance of the event and will quickly get fidgety, talkative or upset.

To avoid a mid-ceremony interruption, provide each youngster with a coloring book and pack of crayons as they enter the ceremony location. Keeping their hands and minds occupied may be just what it takes to save your ceremony.

Note: We know what you’re thinking: “My 4-year-old niece has an iPad, what is she going to do with a coloring book?” Believe us, the old standbys still work (and parents won’t have to be concerned with “technical difficulties”).

Hire an Activities Leader (not a babysitter)

Expecting young kids to be excited by the idea of sitting down to dinner with a group of adults is setting yourself up for disaster. Instead, give the kids an area to be kids, and hire an “activities leader” to keep them busy. The leader doesn’t have to be a professional, but collecting a few recommendations and a background check will help everyone feel more comfortable.

Kids’ activities could be wedding-related art projects, board games or even just a movie (who doesn’t love Frozen?). Keep the kids close enough that parents can keep an eye on them in case of emergency, but far away enough that couples can get a break from parenting to enjoy your reception.

Provide a Kid’s Meal

These days kids have more “adult” palates than ever. Sushi, even cavier, have been on the menu of events we’ve hosted for teens and preteens in the past. However, for young kids at a wedding, it is best to stick to “classic” kid menu fare. Offer easy-to-eat finger foods like chicken fingers and fries, and a vegetarian choice like pasta or cheese pizza. It may even been a good idea to have an option like peanut butter and jelly on hand to satisfy more picky eaters.

Remember, kids eat a lot less than the average adult, so do your best to discuss the meal with the caterers beforehand to avoid food waste and overspending.

Put The Kids to Work

Another way to keep kids busy during a wedding is to give them a job to do. While there are only a few spots for kids in the actual ceremony, you can keep kids busy during the ceremony and reception with something as simple as a disposable camera. Teach the kids to take photos and let them go nuts. While you may not get any artistic masterpieces, the kids will stay busy and feel included in the day even if they weren’t chosen to be the flower girl.

Remember, Kids are Kids

Remember, at the end of the day, kids are kids. Kids can be nice and sweet, but they can also be crazy and unpredictable. All of your guests will understand that, and you should too. If a kid causes a scene, do your best to laugh it off and keep the wedding going. No one will ever remember a kid talking during the ceremony, there are just too many other memories being made.

If you absolutely can’t stand the thought of a kid “ruining” your wedding day, it’s certainly appropriate to ask invited parents to leave the kids at home, but know that might mean losing the parents as well.

Would you like more details about hosting a Wedding or Social Event in New York at 583 Park Avenue? CONTACT US today to find out what makes 583 Park Avenue the best Wedding space on the upper east side. One of our event coordinators will be in touch with you shortly.